Osteoporosis And You


Osteoporosis is a bone disease, that lowers the bone mineral density (BMD) in bones, thus leading to bone fracture. This disease weakens the bones so much so that even a minor fall, stress, strain or jerk; breaks or fractures the bone. The bones of hip, spine and wrist are most commonly impaired and harmed by this disease. Other than these, at times, bones of arms and pelvis are also get affected.

Factors causing Osteoporosis:

Various manageable and unmanageable conditions collectively put a person at the risk of getting affected by Osteoporosis.

Unmanageable Conditions include :

  • Age : The older you get, the higher is the risk of getting osteoporosis.
  • Gender : Usually women are at higher risk than men.
  • Body Structure : Women with small and thin body structure have greater risk.
  • Racial Background : White and Asian women are generally affected by this disease.
  • Family Background : People with osteoporosis background have the greater chances of getting the same.
  • Low Estrogen Level : Women suffering from low estrogen level due to missed menstrual cycle or post menopause comes under the risk group.
  • Medicines : Prolonged use of medicines treating arthritis, diabetes, asthma and cancer can cause this disease.

Manageable Conditions include :

  • Eating Disorders : Eating disorders like; anorexia nervosa i.e. eating less food than required or not eating enough food and veggies lead to osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin D and Calcium Defficiency: Eating calcium and vitamin D deficient diet can lead to bone loss.
  • Less Activity : Lack of exercise, low activity and prolonged bed rests can weaken the muscles.
  • Excessive Smoking and Alcohol : Smoking and in taking too much of alcohol can cause weak and broken bones.

Symptoms: Generally, there are no warning signals in the initial stages but once the bones get weakened you may experience :

  • Sudden back pain due to fracture
  • Loss of height
  • Stooped or hunched posture or back
  • Bone fracture due to minor fall or stress

 Prevention : By following the below mentioned easy tips and steps you can control and as well can prevent osteoporosis :

Prevention from Osteoporosis

Prevention from Osteoporosis

  • Eat Calcium Rich Diet : Intake sufficient amount of calcium in your diet, in form of food and nutritional supplements. Foods like milk, plain or fat free yogurt, spinach and white beans can enrich your diet with calcium.
  • Consume sufficient Vitamin D : Vitamin D is produced in our body by exposing our skin to direct sunlight or by consuming Vitamin D rich foods such as ; eggs, milk and salmon. You can also intake vitamin D in the form of nutritional supplements or pills.
  • Opt for Nutritional Diet : Take foods that are rich sources of vitamin K, vitamin C, Zinc and Magnesium as well.
  • Exercise : Regularly practice weight bearing and general exercises mentioned below to strengthen and mobilize your muscles :
    1. Walking or Jogging
    2. Dancing
    3. Running
    4. Ascending and Descending Stairs
    5. Hiking
    6. Playing Tennis and Lifting Weights
    7. Practice Yoga
  • Quit Smoking : Smoking along with impairing your heart and lungs, also damages your bones and as well lead to bone loss by reducing the amount of estrogen in your body.
  • Drink reasonably and sensibly : Have one alcoholic drink per day. Excessive drinking instabilizes your balance and as well affects the calcium absorption capacity of your body.

In order to prevent falls and fractures, you can make your home safer and hurdle free by following the below mentioned instructions : 

  1. Make use of  a cane stick or walker for walking
  2. Use rubber soled shoes and avoid walking in stockings or slippers
  3. Use your grass path ways if your side walks are slippery and wet
  4. Clutter free your room
  5. Always spread skid proof rugs and carpets

Treatment :

 In order to prevent fractures in future due to osteoporosis, along with medications; changes in lifestyle, a calcium, vitamins and minerals enriched diet and regular exercising  is also crucial and important. Before prescribing any drugs or medications to treat and cure osteoporosis, health care practitioners generally consider; the age, gender and severity of condition. To cure and recover you from fracture , a  physical therapist may  :

  1. Use relaxation techniques to relieve muscle tension
  2. Apply hot or cold treatments using warm baths and cold packs to relieve pain
  3. Administer TENS therapy, where nerves are stimulated to relieve pain

Contact Braner Pain Clinics, even if after making all the necessary efforts, you are still suffering from the pain caused due to osteoporosis. We offer holistic treatment options to cure  and treat  your pain and also help you to live your life to the fullest.  

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